It all begins with a Vision - A Decade of Excellence in Resource Extraction

Paret Mining proudly stands as a paramount figure with over $80 billion in assets under management in the global mining and energy landscape, and real estate with an illustrious track record spanning over a decade. Rooted in a steadfast commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability, we have garnered unwavering trust from clients worldwide by consistently delivering unparalleled quality.

Led by Emmanuel Paret, his family-owned conglomerate has influence extending across major international industrial mining & fostering a rich legacy that transcends two decades. Leveraging extensive experience, and adeptly navigate the complexities of importing and exporting various commodities, including crucial minerals, metals, and agricultural products. This proficiency empowers us to seamlessly cater to global markets with an unwavering focus on efficiency and profitability.

In the realm of mining, our expertise shines resplendently in open-pit operations, particularly in the extraction of premium quality,Paret Mining: Delivering Essential Minerals with Advanced Techniques and Modern Facilities
At Paret Mining, we leverage advanced techniques and state-of-the-art facilities to ensure the seamless delivery of essential minerals to a diverse range of industries.

Our orchestrated operations cater to the needs of the Industrial, Pharmaceutical, and agricultural sectors, providing them with the vital minerals they require for their processes and products such as:

  • Calcium Carbonate

  • Iron & Tin Ore

  • Coal - Coltan - Granite

  • Diesel & Crude

Unleashing Resources & Omnichannel for Empowering Industries

Furthermore, our unmistakable imprint in the energy sector is characterized by triumphant oil drilling endeavors in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. These projects stand as a resounding testament to the prowess of our skilled crews, avant-garde equipment, and unwavering dedication to responsible practices. This unwavering commitment ensures not only formidable production and revenue but also prioritizes the sanctity of safety and environmental stewardship.

At Paret Mining, we forge ahead with an unwavering spirit, steadfastly embracing the ever-evolving demands of the mining and energy domain. Our legacy stands as a testament to our resolute pursuit of excellence, firmly cementing our position as a pioneer, an innovator, and an unwavering beacon of success in the industry.

Matthew Rose - Equity Partner

Matthew Rose, a seasoned entrepreneur and co-owner of Paret Mining LLC, brings a wealth of expertise in commodities and international wholesale to the forefront. With over a decade of experience, he has made a significant impact on both domestic and international fronts, playing a pivotal role in the company's success.

In his capacity as a co-owner, Matthew has been a driving force behind Paret Mining, particularly in client relations and capital markets. His journey in the mining industry has been transformative, shaped by a keen understanding of commodities. Responsible for navigating the intricacies of client dynamics and capital markets, Matthew has forged strong connections that have been instrumental in the company's growth. As a co-owner, he has demonstrated exceptional leadership, propelling Paret Mining into new heights of success.

Matthew's commitment goes beyond business success; it extends to responsible mining practices and sustainability. With a profound respect for the Earth's resources, his leadership has instilled a deep sense of responsibility within Paret Mining. This commitment resonates throughout the company's operations, reflecting Matthew's unwavering dedication to preserving the environment and fostering positive relationships with local communities. As a co-owner, Matthew Rose continues to shape Paret Mining as a beacon of success and sustainability in the mining industry.

Take a minute to See what we’re passionate about . . .

  • Paret Mining owns an unparalleled Calcium Carbonate Mine, a vast reserve boasting an impressive 2.7 billion metric tons of the highest purity. Renowned for its refinement, our mine stands as an epitome of excellence in mineral resources.

    As industry leaders, we consistently supply premier Calcium Carbonate to major and discerning minor clients across agricultural, pharmaceutical, and industrial sectors. In agriculture, our mineral is a linchpin for soil enrichment, fostering elevated crop yields and sustainable farming methodologies. In the pharmaceutical domain, our unrivaled purity sets a distinguished standard for pharmaceutical-grade ingredients. Meanwhile, within the industrial landscape, Paret Mining's Calcium Carbonate stands as an indispensable component, ensuring a caliber of quality and performance that defines a new paradigm.

    What distinguishes us is not merely the vastness of our reserves but our steadfast commitment to providing an unwavering and dependable supply of this enriched mineral. Paret Mining's Calcium Carbonate Mine is an embodiment of excellence, ushering in a new era of standards across industries. Join us at the forefront of progress, where we affirm our standing as the premier source for the utmost quality Calcium Carbonate, poised to meet the demands of the most discerning clientele with consummate strength and consistency.

  • Paret Mining is actively transforming Haiti's energy landscape with the ongoing installation of a prefabricated modular crude oil refinery. The collaborative efforts between Paret’s engineers and local labor have commenced, and the installation process is progressing toward completion by Q2 of 2024.

    Completely self-funded, our refinery is gearing up to process 150,000 BPD of light & heavy crude oil, delivering a diverse array of refined products to meet the needs of the entire Caribbean market. This initiative marks Haiti's inaugural oil refinery, having successfully secured all necessary permits and completed environmental impact assessments, signifying a project that is primed for execution.

    Guided by our seasoned management team in operating refineries. Paret Group is actively working towards capturing 20% of Haiti's fuel market. With the country's daily demand for 25,000 barrels of diesel and gasoline, the refinery is strategically positioned to address this need. The commitment from the government and local fuel merchants to purchase all refined products from the facility further solidifies our role in alleviating ongoing fuel shortages.

    This vision of the Paret Group's oil refinery represents a pivotal moment, introducing advanced technology and contributing to economic growth and stability in Haiti. Stay tuned for more updates as this transformative project unfolds.

  • Kentucky Shallow Well Drilling

    - Expansive 4,000-acre property in Warren and Butler counties.

    - Holds over 100,000,000 barrels in shallow oil reserves, offering a prime domestic investment opportunity.

    Kentucky Tar Sand Operation:

    - Exclusive ownership of 80-year mineral rights leases on 6,000+ acres.

    - Positions Paret Mining as a pioneering force in the tar sand industry, ensuring a reliable domestic supply.

    Overall Impact:

    - Discover how Paret Mining strategically reduces costs and enhances security in domestic oil supply.

    - Explore unique investment opportunities as Paret Mining becomes a leading player in revolutionizing the tar sand industry, contributing to national energy independence.

  • Amidst Haiti's prevailing challenge where 75% of the nation remains without electricity, Paret Mining is actively driving change through our ongoing project to integrate a 29 Megawatt Hyundai Himsen 9H21/32 HFO Power Station into Haiti. This initiative addresses the immediate need for reliable power solutions, forming a crucial part of Haiti's current status quo.

    Our project signifies a commitment to sustainable development, providing a lifeline to communities in the form of electricity. As an ongoing effort, we recognize the importance of strategic partnerships to amplify our impact. While not explicitly inviting, we remain open to collaborations with strategic partners who share our vision for a more electrified and prosperous Haiti.

    Paret Mining's ongoing project is not just about addressing the energy gap; it's a strategic move to bring strength to Haiti's economy in a way that sets new standards.

    As we navigate this journey, we stand ready to explore alliances that can enhance the project's reach and efficacy.

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