Haiti’s 1st Modular
Oil Refinery

The Paret Group is poised to revolutionize Haiti's energy landscape with the installation of a state-of-the-art modular refinery. Acquiring a prefabricated crude oil refinery from Chinese manufacturers, Paret has embarked on a transformative project that aims to bring self-sufficiency in diesel production to the nation.

  • Upon arrival in Haiti, the refinery is expected to be fully operational by Q2 2024. Our engineers work alongside local labor to ensure the successful integration of the refinery into Haiti's infrastructure.

The Paret Group's refinery will focus on processing heavy crude oil sourced from South and Latin America, with the primary goal of providing a sustainable supply of Diesel. This project marks Haiti's inaugural entry into the world of diesel production, with all necessary permits and environmental impact assessments already completed. Boasting an experienced management team with a track record of operating refineries in Nigeria, Venezuela, and Texas, Paret ensures the project's success.


Haiti, currently consuming 25,000 barrels a day of diesel, will benefit significantly from Paret's refinery, capturing 20% of the diesel market.

The country's recurring diesel shortages will be mitigated, as the Government of Haiti and local fuel merchants have committed to purchasing all diesel products from the newly established facility.

To encourage and support this transformative initiative, the project enjoys a 15-year tax exemption, allowing for sustainable growth and development in Haiti's diesel production sector. The Paret Group's self-funded refinery project, processing 100,000 barrels per day, stands as a beacon of progress, addressing Haiti's diesel needs and contributing to its economic advancement.


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